Judiciary Strategic Plan (Download)
Launch of the Judiciary Strategic Plan: 2022-2032 (21 February 2022)
“The Judiciary must continue to enhance trust and confidence in the justice system. The Judicial officials must maintain judicial integrity based on the code of conduct and be united. If one or two are incapable and fail to maintain integrity, it will amount to failure as an entire institution. The judicial officials must be united, take responsibility, accountability, and serve with humility.”
- His Majesty the King, Address to the Nation,11 November 2015.
The Judiciary of the Kingdom of Bhutan adopted its First Judiciary Strategy Plan 2022-2032 on February 21, 2022, coinciding with the auspicious occasion of His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo’s 42nd Birth Anniversary. The Plan is rooted in the vision to create a free, fair, just and harmonious society; and the mission to safeguard, uphold and administer justice fairly and independently without fear, favor, or undue delay in accordance with the law to inspire trust and confidence, and enhance access to justice.
Recognition of the institutional memories, and acknowledgement of its weakness provided a solid ground for the Judiciary to devise its plan for next one decade. The Judiciary will endeavor to achieve its visions and mission based on the four strategic goals identified in the Plan. These goals are (a) Inspire public trust and confidence; (b) enhance access to justice;
(c) consolidate independence of the Judiciary; and (d) Enhance institutional linkages and collaboration. To achieve these strategic goals, the plan identifies several specific strategic objectives, which are objective, practical, achievable and measurable.
The Plan sets a course for judicial reform to fulfill the aspirations of the people; achieve its sacred constitutional mandate to promote and uphold the Rule of Law, and to meet the ends of justice. It reiterates our pledge to realize His Majesty’s noble vision of a just and harmonious society. The adoption of this Plan marks the beginning of a new chapter for the Judiciary. With the blessing of the magnanimous leadership and the wisdom of His Majesty the King, and the combined merit of our people, and the dedication of the entire justice sector, the Judiciary will continue to serve the Tsa-Wa-Sum.
May the wheel of justice continue to turn!
Office of the Chief Justice of Bhutan
Supreme Court, Lhadrong