Setting the Records Straight.
Posted: 23 December, 2024
Category: News
The National Newspaper headline and editorial published just days before National Day harmed the Supreme Court’s image by wrongly suggesting that it overspent on Hospitality and Entertainment (H&E) expenses ‘beyond the annual ceiling of Nu. 1.5 million, clubbing with other ministries facing irregularities.’
On the contrary, the Audit reports from the past three years confirm that Judiciary has exercised fiscal prudence in managing H&E expenses. While cabinet ministers & equivalent ranks have a legal ceiling of Nu. 1.5 million, the Supreme Court (SC) has received only about one-third of this amount, yet SC never claimed or spent even that modest allocation.
Similarly, the SC never received or requisitioned the so-called ‘one-time joining expenses’ of Nu. 600,000. In short, the actual expenditures of SC remained much below the allocated ceiling.
Concrete details:
- In Financial Year 2020-2021: H&E budget allocation was Nu. 325,000; SC utilized Nu. 324,188.
- In Financial Year 2021-2022: H&E budget allocation was Nu. 653,000; actual expenditure was Nu. 570,818 only; unspent balance was Nu. 82,182.
- In Financial Year 2022-2023: H&E budget allocation was Nu. 420,000; actual spending was Nu. 375,332.92; unspent balance was Nu. 44,667.08.
Despite adhering to extreme austerity measures and maintaining expenditures below both government ceiling and allocated budgets, above media report inaccurately portrayed otherwise at a time when the nation celebrated the Auspicious National day, integrity and unity.
Despite facing baseless insinuation, the SC reassures all well-wishers that we remain unwavering in our commitment to ethics and integrity as we serve for justice with honor, without fear or favor and undue delay.